Hi everyone,
I'm currently in Paris travelling with my K1 (SN 278) into which I recently (November 2004) installed the noise blanker.
I've found those noise signals which the blanker kill _completely_ (Great job!)
I've found signals which the blanker doesn't do a thing on (I can tune away from these signals so they're not broadband. They might be SWBC signals - but they don't sound anything like I can imagine them through the rx. -- They sound awful. Is this the intermod trade-off I've read about in a couple of other posts on the KNB1? ) I understand that the NB isn't designed for narrow band noise, so maybe this isn't unexpected.
My question revolves around a third case where I have left the noise blanker turned on, even when there is no pulse noise - i.e. there is nothing that I would expect the blanker to work on. Sometimes when the blanker is ON there is an additional pulse-like noise modulation added to the normal band noise. This occurs in either LO or HI positions. Any hints? Is this an intermod issue again? I've tried the attenuator and it didn't affect the additive noise.
Thanks and 73
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