K1 Pedestrian Mobile

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K1 Pedestrian Mobile

John Pfeifer-2
Had a blast operating /PM with my K1 during last night's Spartan Sprint!

I fastened my 20-ft black-widow fishing pole vertical to a pack frame.  The K1
was hanging on my chest in a small camera bag, putting the front panel in
clear view.  Tuned up just fine with the internal tuner using a trailing

I hiked around Spruce Cape on Kodiak Island.  Sending CW is a bit of a
challenge while walking but good practice for head-copy.

Worked stations all over the "Lower-48" including K4THL in Florida.  That's
4,050 miles great circle route.  Not bad for 5W pedestrian mobile.


John Pfeifer - KL0WN
Kodiak, Alaska

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