K1 has a problem at J8 pin 7. Specs should be 1.6K to 1.9K.
So far have found that J8 pin 7 to ground is zero. Tried reversing test
leads and the same.
P3 is jumpered pins 1 and 2. D15 anode to ground 195 ohms. D15 cathode to
98.6 K. R36 in circuit 1.96 K . R37 in circuit 1.96 K. R34 in circuit 77.3 K
R4 in circuit 5.4K . Pin 19 of P1 is 104.2K
All of these are with a 4 band filter removed.
This probably explained why I am unable to get a input signal from an RF
generator to
align filter board.
All other voltage and resistance checks are in specs.
Any advice of what to check next would be appreciated.
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