K1 Question

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K1 Question

I haven't done it, Ron. Looks like a recipe for disaster, though, depending
on what "field" means. If it means operating in the backyard on the patio
furniture with the XYL trotting out beer, it might be OK. Operating in the
RAIN, in a TENT, at NIGHT from Pulpit Rock...mmmm, not so much. The
standoffs between the RF board and the ATU are a pain, as you undoutedly
know. You just KNOW your going to lose one of them or strip some threads or
bend some of those very long header pins. The possibilities for disaster are

When 80 is the band of choice, it's Nature's way of saying, "Hit the sack,
Ron. 20 will be open tomorrow."


K1 - SN 01976
K2 - SN 00567

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ron Polityka
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:22 PM
To: .Elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] K1 Question


 I was wondering if anyone on the list has tried this with their K1 and the
ATU installed.

Have the 2 band board made for 80 & 17 meters and the 4 band board made for
40, 30, 20 & 15 meters. Then swap them out in the field.

Just wondering.

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

K1 - SN 01011
K2 - SN 01392

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