K1 RIT/XIT range

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K1 RIT/XIT range

Steve Lawrence-2
I want to increase the RIT/XIT range in my K1 by paralleling C7 in the
VFO with additional capacitance.

As built, the range is approximately +4Kc/-3.4Kc. I'd appreciate pf/Kc
data. Goal is +/- 10Kc.

Thanks & 73,

Steve WB6RSE

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Re: K1 RIT/XIT range

Steve Lawrence-2
I've played with adding capacitance across C7 in my K1 to increase the
RIT/XIT range.

Here are approximate results:

as built: +3.8/-3.5
+26pf +6.4/-4.9
+35pf +6.8/-6.7
+50pf +7.7/-6.4
+56pf +8.3/-6.3
+64pf +8.5/-6.4

The above was accomplished with relatively long lead lengths clipped
in. Values were measured on a cap meter prior to connecting.


1) Above 50pf, the increase is marginal.
2) The "flying" leads in these tests changed the VFO range so that
permanent installation of a replacement or additional cap will likely
require readjustment of L1 turns spacing.

Anyone have other results?

73, Steve WB6RSE

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