K1-Something interesting about the inventory

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K1-Something interesting about the inventory

Ok, I can finally get to the site to comment...I did my inventory on the K1 when it arrived, but missed the filter board.  Elecraft promptly sent me a new one (yea)  While waiting, I built part of the front panel but got to the point in the build (lcd backlight) where I need to hook up to the filter board, so I have to stop.  When I get the filter board, I go to start and notice that I never received the filter bag.  Now, I would have inventoried the filter bag, but I have no inventory for the filter bag in my manual in Appendix A.  AArrrgghh, what am I missing...do they assemble the manuals when they gather all the supplies and just left out the filter bag inventory?  Anyways, I hope to get the filter bag and inventory sheet soon this week.  I feel like an idiot with all of this nonsense.  

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Re: K1-Something interesting about the inventory

You have me worried I just ordered my K1 should be here next week, let me know what to watch out for.
keep me posted on your progress.
73's Terry N4RQ
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Re: K1-Something interesting about the inventory

No, no, no... I wouldn't worry.  Just make sure you do an inventory of the inventory...Honestly, I was so excited, I couldn't wait to start.  I thought doing a thorough inventory of the part was enough... I just didn't lay out all the bags that had to be inventoried... I went straight to the bag from the box to inventory... I hope that makes sense.  Another thing... Richard in elecraft parts is awesome.  He sent everything first class usps and never did it take more than two days to vet fro California to Virginia Beach, Virginia...
Bravo Elecraft.

Greg Doughty

On Apr 29, 2010, at 10:33 PM, "Terry-N4RQ [via Elecraft]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

You have me worried I just ordered my K1 should be here next week, let me know what to watch out for.
keep me posted on your progress.
73's Terry N4RQ

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