K1 TX ALC problem

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K1 TX ALC problem

Michael Babineau
Folks :

I just wanted to remind folks that if you run into problems with
no TX ALC on the K1, after removing the KAT1, its likely because you
forgot to move the two pin header at P3 to short pins 2 & 3.
The symptoms are that you will see full power out regardless of
the OUT menu setting and when using TUNE you will see P=0.1.

This really threw me for a loop.

I had the rig disassembled because I finally decided to change the
VFO tuning range on my K1-4 to the narrower setting (ie substitute C2
for C2a and
Crystal X3A for X3B. This necessitated the re-alignment of the PREMIX
and RF
filter settings for 30M and 40M (Note that changes in PREMIX and
RF Filter settings for 30M impact 40M as well so it is necessary to also
  re-align 40m). Everything was going great until I attempted TX
on these two bands only to find that somehow my TX ALC functionality
seemed to be missing. After looking at the K1 RF board schematic for a
while I
noticed the note under the RF Output Detector section of the schematic
stating "* If the KAT1 is installed, jumper P3 pins 2-3. If not jumper
P# pins 1-2."

Also anytime you remove the KAT1 don't forget the jumper wire between
2 and 10 on J2. This one is a bit harder to miss.

I'm sure that I am not the first person to run into this but I just
thought I would
remind folks.

Michael VE3WMB

P.S. I am much happier with the narrow VFO tuning range.
With the wider setting I found that the tuning was just too touchy
for my preferences.

P.P.S. I also want to warn folks about over tightening the nylon screw
that holds the VFO inductor (toroid) in place. I managed to snap the
off of mine and had to order a replacement from Elecraft. You just want
to be snug enough to keep the toroid from moving around, no tighter.

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