K1 Transmit Problem

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K1 Transmit Problem

Richard Klingensmith
I have a K1 with a 4 band filter board which was working fine on all bands.
All of a sudden after showing off to a friend 30 and 40 meters will not
transmit (power on the display is 0.1). 20 and 17 meters work fine. 30 and
40 meter receive works just fine. I checked all the relays to insure they
were in the correct position for 40 or 30 meters. I removed all the torroids
on the 30 and 40 meter side of the low-pass filters retinned the leads
removed the old solder from the board and replaced the torroids. I also
resoldered all the caps on the 30 and 40 meter side of the low-pass filter.  
Still no power out on 30 and 40 meters. I'm convinced the problem is on the
filter board but am not sure where to look now. Any ideas?


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