K1 Troubleshooting / Alignment assistance Requested.

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K1 Troubleshooting / Alignment assistance Requested.

Allen Evenson

I have a K1 (#1919) with the 4-band filter board and Internal Tuner options.
Finished it up about a year ago and have been
using it sporadically with moderate success since. For some reason (most
likely builder error) yhe output power has never
been quite right and so recently I thought I'd realign the filters.

Well, after using another radio as signal source to peak the filters on
I can't seem to get the K1 to output (all bands show P0.1) in tune mode;
yes, the Out parameter is set to 2.0.

I'm looking for someone (maybe local to the Seattle area?) to have a look at
it and figure out where I've gone wrong and
get it all aligned. Would also like to switch over to wide tuning (150khz)
in the process to get access to the old
novice area. I'm willing to pay for the work of course. Tried to contact one
of the Hams listed on the builder for hire list but
haven't gotten a reply.

Please reply off list to asevenson 'at' gmail 'dot' com

Thanks for reading,

Allen - KF7EST
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Re: K1 Troubleshooting / Alignment assistance Requested.

Bob J
I'm having the same exact problem near the finish of my build. P 0.1 in TUNE mode when attempting to complete Alignment Part 2. Currently working on getting parts together to build the rf detector to do some tracing, but would be interested in any ideas on common causes. Or would like to hear what you found the problem to be Allen.

Bob - KD0GAF