K1 and K2 For Sale

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K1 and K2 For Sale

Don Brown-4

 I have a K1 with all options including the 40, 30, 20, and 15 meter four band board (with blue trimmer caps) and also has a extra two band board set up for 80 and 17 meters. It includes the noise blanker, internal automatic antenna tuner and internal battery option. It also includes the tilt stand Finger Dimple, precision metal shaft VFO pot and custom made TecPac carrying case. I will also include 2 sets of NiMH batteries and a Maha 204GP smart charger. This radio is only slightly used and in perfect condition S/N 542   Selling price $775 shipped con US

I have a K2 with the KAF2 audio filter, K160RX 160 meter/receive antenna, KPA100 100 watt amp, the K60XV 60 meter/transverter interface, the KNB2 noise blanker and the KSB2 SSB option with 2.5 KHz option. I also have and will include the QRP top with the KAT2 20 watt automatic tuner. The price of all of this from Elecraft is about $1600. My normal charge to build all of the above is $900 for a total of $2500. I will sell all of the above with all current mods, latest firmware version 2.04 for $1895 shipped con US. The radio is in perfect condition cosmetically, electrically and includes a 90 day warranty. The serial number is 3132. This radio is identical to the currently shipping versions of the K2.

This radio would be a good candidate to convert to the split configuration with the QRP lid and KAT2 driving the KPA100 mounted into an EC2 box matching the K2. You can also mount the 150 watt tuner in the same EC2 box with the KPA100. To do this you would need to order and build the KIO2 and the EC2 box. Then mount the QRP top and install the KPA100 into the EC2 box. If you want to add the KAT100 to the EC2 box also then you would need to order the KAT100-2 kit to get the front and rear panels required for the KAT100. If you would like me to configure the radio this way email me and I will  quote you a price.

  Warranty: I will repair any K2,  K1 or KX1 that's fails due to my workmanship within 90 days. Shipping is not included on warranty work. New radios have a one year parts warranty from Elecraft.

  I have built 14 K2's to date (several in the split configuration) and 4 K1's. 6 KPA100's, 3 KAT100's and all of the options many times. I built Wayne and Eric's personal radios and have been a field tester for Elecraft several times. I was a field tester for the XV50, XV144 transverters and have built 7 of them including the XV222 and the XV144 reviewed in the Oct issue of QST. I was also a field tester for the KRC2 band switching box and the KPA100. I have built two KX1's with all options so far. I have built one or more of everything Elecraft makes including all the micro kits. I also regularly repair, install mods and perform calibrations on Elecraft radios.

  Please email me if you are interested


  Don Brown
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