K1 for Sale

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K1 for Sale

Jimmy Walker
K1 Two Band HF Transceiver (30M and 17M) SN 812 with KBT1 Internal Battery Adapter
I didn't built the radio, but I've used it extensively and can attest that it works perfectly. The radio has never been used as a portable, but the battery adapter works perfectly. I have two K-1's, the other with the 40/20M board and some additional options. I'm planning to use the sale proceeds to buy a KFL1-4 4-Band Module the radio I'm keeping.
See my eHam review from 2003 at http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/846?page=3
I'm offering to sell for the kit price of the K1 - $289 plus shipping.
PayPal or certified funds will ship the day of receipt.
Jimmy Walker
Macon, GA
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