K1- no receive on 30 meters

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K1- no receive on 30 meters

I'm up to the alignment phase of the receive section and can not get a
signal on 30 meters.  15, 20 & 40 meters receive fine.  I can hear
background noise (hiss), but no change when adjusting 10 Mhz trimmers.  
All other functions work fine.

I checked all solder joints and hit them again with the iron just to be
sure ... no help.


Terry / KC4TM
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Re: K1- no receive on 30 meters

Don Wilhelm-4

Set both the 30 meter and 40 meter trimmers to the center position first.
Then move the 30 meter trimmers around near that center position until
you have a response on 30 meters.  You may have to use another
transmitter running into a dummy load or a signal generator to produce
enough signal to get through the 'not yet tuned' bandpass filters.
After setting all 4 30 meter trimmers for the best peak in signal -
gradually reduce the signal level as you get closer to the correct
setting fo best identification of the peak.
After aligning 30 meters, then do the same for 40 meters.

Note: aligning the 30 meter bandpass filters will have no effect of 40
meters (also aligning 15 meters will have no effect of 20 meters), but
if you attempt to align 40 or 20 meters first, you will have to do it
over again in the correct order.


Terry McGleish wrote:
> I'm up to the alignment phase of the receive section and can not get a
> signal on 30 meters.  15, 20 & 40 meters receive fine.  I can hear
> background noise (hiss), but no change when adjusting 10 Mhz trimmers.  
> All other functions work fine.
> I checked all solder joints and hit them again with the iron just to be
> sure ... no help.
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