K1 s/n2258 and new filter kit

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K1 s/n2258 and new filter kit

Since completing this K1-4 nearly three years ago for 40,30,20,&15, have had
a lot of fun using it at home and park bench portable.  Yesterday, after
building a 2-band filter for 80 & 17M, made a few QSOs on those bands as
well.  I've found the K1 a very useful QRP rig for my purposes.

Awhile ago, recall reading some chatter about Elecraft offering a filter
board kit for 20,17,15&10 once the sunspots started coming back.  I suppose
with all the K3 work the K1 is probably far down on priorities.  But, I for
one would happily be first in line to order such a kit if offered.
Alternately, has anyone successfully configured a 4-band filter for these
bands on their own?

73, Curt KB5JO

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Re: K1 s/n2258 and new filter kit

Mike Morrow-3
Curt wrote:

>Awhile ago, recall reading some chatter about Elecraft offering a filter
>board kit for 20,17,15&10 once the sunspots started coming back.
>... has anyone successfully configured a 4-band filter for these
>bands on their own?

Stephanie/VA3UXB did a lot of work on this mod for both 2- and 4-band
filter boards, details of which are at:


In particular, the references at that URL refer to a 2006 posting by Wayne
with details of a 4-band board such as you desire:


I've not tried these myself, but they look interesting.

Mike / KK5F
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