K144XV and simultaneous 2m and 6m reception

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K144XV and simultaneous 2m and 6m reception

Sverre Holm (LA3ZA)
Now that there has just been a software update, I thought it would be a good time to remind the good people at Elecraft about a bug that annoys those with the K144XV internal 2 m option installed.

At our club station, LA2AB, we are not the only ones, it seems, that experience that it is often not possible to listen with one rx on 6 meter and the other one on 2 meter. See a more detailed report in September last year: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/Simultaneously-listening-to-2m-and-6m-td5521449.html

I hope that this will be addressed before the VHF season starts again in April/May or so!

Sverre, LA3ZA

K2 #2198, K3 #3391,
LA3ZA Blog: http://la3za.blogspot.com,
LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to K2 modifications: http://la3za.blogspot.com/p/la3za-unofficial-guide-to-elecraft-k2.html