First try a simple solution - turn the power control back to 12 watts
and try a TUNE.
If you still get HiCur messages, then check the low pass filter on the
K160RX carefully - count the number of turns on the toroids - each pass
of the wire through the center of the core counts as one turn. If you
have one extra, remove it, and check the capacitor values with a
magnifier (they may be difficult to read).
What you solve by backing down the power control is the fact that many
K2s will try to develop as much as 19 watts on 160 meters with the power
control fully clockwise - and yes, that power requires more current -
this is not a problem, just a condition that should be recognized.
If you have a problem, it will also show up with the power control set
for 12 watts.
Set the bandpass filter inductors for a compromise between 160 and 80
meters. I usually first find the peak on 80 (use 3750 kHz) and note the
position of the slugs - then tune to 1850 kHz and find the peak for 160
meters - set the slugs halfway between the points for the two peaks.
Daniel Kreithen wrote:
> Hi -
> I've just installed the K160RX module in my K2, and I cannot align it: trying to do so on transmit gives "HiCur" readout no matter what I do. I've even tried boosting the Cal Cur menu option: still no dice. It looks like a very simple circuit, and it does fine on 80m. Any suggestions on what to look for? Thanks,
> Dan Kreithen
> AE3E
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