K2 03116 is on the air!

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K2 03116 is on the air!

Today, after a year and a half delay, I finally got my K2 on the air.  I went straight to the SSB mod, since I'm not much of a CW op, and plan -- actually -- to do a lot of PSK with the K2.  My first SSB QSO was with a local ham, and Elecraft guru, Drew W8MHV.  I think he's built every kit that Elecraft has made and more than one of some of them.  He's been my K2 Elmer.  After that QSO, in which we QSYed to several different bands, I worked a special event station in Georgia -- W8G.  He said I was 57 and with "bright audio" that wasn't too base or too treble.  I was using the Hell mic made for the K2.  I worked him with about 5 watts off the back of my beam which was still pointed to W8MHV's QTH.  Needless to say, I'm happy and proud that this baby is actually working.  Thanks to all of you for your help along the way.  This reflector is a great resource.  Also, I owe Drew a debt of gratitude for his help in finding a few errors I had made that prevented the rig from transmitting.  He's a great troubleshooter, and I learned a lot watching his careful and systematic diagnostic procedures.  

Well, now it's back to further tweaking and building the IO board, the NB board, the antenna tuner, internal battery mod, etc.!!!!



Carl J. Denbow, [hidden email] on 6/9/2004

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