K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

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K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

Julius Fazekas n2wn
Well another one is history....

Heard and worked a few DX QRPers, missed a GM who was
S&Ping. I give folks a lot of credit in this noisy

If I'm in your log, and you need a QSL for elecraft
awards, please send it along.

One new wrinkle this year, I added the Elecraft balun
to my 80M vertical and it definitely helped with the
common mode noise. Why the Elecraft balun versus
another? It's small and fits into my feedpoint box.
Very easy to assemble and use. I better than doubled
my QSOs from last year...

See you in the next 'test!
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Julius Fazekas

Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2        #4455
Elecraft K3/100 #366
Elecraft K3/100
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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

J F wrote:

> Heard and worked a few DX QRPers

I worked TI5N in Costa Rica on FIVE bands, 80-10.  He was running 5 watts and
had a great signal.  Wonder if it was an Elecraft rig?

My K2/100 #709 pounded away for 22 hours flat out without missing a beat.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

Julius Fazekas n2wn
He had decent antennas in a decent location I'll bet!

I wondered that as well. I wonder how many Elecraft's
participated and at what power level?

There were a few sweeps from 160 to 10, and more on 80
thru 10 here.

If I didn't make too many logging errors, I will have
done quite well on 80M. I know there were a few
intentional dupes on my part, as the other guy didn't
get my call, either added or subtracted a "dit". I did
the same to some calls I'm sure. 700 QSOs including
the dupes, around 680 (I don't have the sheet here
now.) good QSOs.

The only thing I found irritating at times was the fan
on the KPA100. I'm thinking of splitting it off or
looking for something quieter (if such a thing is
available in that size). Maybe a vented set of side
panels would do the trick as well. I definitely am
still looking for the "right" set of headphones as
well! hihi!

--- Vic Rosenthal <[hidden email]> wrote:

> J F wrote:
> > Heard and worked a few DX QRPers
> I worked TI5N in Costa Rica on FIVE bands, 80-10.
> He was running 5 watts and
> had a great signal.  Wonder if it was an Elecraft
> rig?
> My K2/100 #709 pounded away for 22 hours flat out
> without missing a beat.
> --
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco

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Julius Fazekas

Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2        #4455
Elecraft K3/100 #366
Elecraft K3/100
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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

Mike Harris-9

#1400 @ 100W did a little S&P on 14/21/28 MHz.

I was only looking to see how many states I could snag in between doing
other stuff during a wonderfully sunny weekend.  I ended up with 30 states
plus two provinces out of 104 exchanges plus a few others heard in
pile-ups but not worked 'cos I guess they were S&P as well.  Only
heard/worked three Canadian's.

I figured there would be at least one contest super station in each state.
Propagation favoured Texas and the other southern states although NY, PA
etc also show in the log.  Many huge signals.  The KAT100 matched my 30
metre vertical on 20 metres with about 80:1 SWR at the antenna with 150
feet of feeder.  30W radiated, 70W warming the worms, the feeder is
underground in optical fibre cable ducting.

104 QSO's, 2 Dupes, 63 Mults = 19278 points.  No big deal.  Now for a
fight with the robot.

On an off topic subject, anyone know how to change the red rubber fuel
priming plunger on a Briggs & Stratton classic 35 lawnmower engine?  It
presses in but is very slow to return to normal for the next pump.  XYL
uses the mower so if I have to start it up that's less time on the K2.  I
guess that makes it on topic!


Mike VP8NO

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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

Jim Brown-10
In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 10:04:32 -0800, Vic Rosenthal wrote:

>My K2/100 #709 pounded away for 22 hours flat out without
>missing a beat.

Same here -- but 23 hours for #3003.  I started out with the K2/100
driving a Ten Tec Titan 425 amp, but an amp P/S problem that I've
been too busy to troubleshoot got much worse after a few hours, and
I ran the rest of the contest at 100 watts.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

In reply to this post by Julius Fazekas n2wn
J F wrote:

> The only thing I found irritating at times was the fan
> on the KPA100. I'm thinking of splitting it off or
> looking for something quieter (if such a thing is
> available in that size). Maybe a vented set of side
> panels would do the trick as well.

I know it isn't necessary, but I put a 3-1/2" (89 mm) fan on top of the right
side of my K2, right on top of the finals.  Double-sided tape keeps it in place.
  I have a bunch of diodes in series with it to drop the voltage to about 9v, at
which it runs quietly.  It keeps the heatsink much cooler.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: K2/100 #3311 in ARRL DX CW Test

Julius Fazekas n2wn
Hi Vic,
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try. The KPA
is quite comfortable to the touch even after running
for an hour, no complaints. Perhaps better headphones,
noise cancelling types, would solve both "issues" for

> I know it isn't necessary, but I put a 3-1/2" (89
> mm) fan on top of the right
> side of my K2, right on top of the finals.
> Double-sided tape keeps it in place.
>   I have a bunch of diodes in series with it to drop
> the voltage to about 9v, at
> which it runs quietly.  It keeps the heatsink much
> cooler.
> --
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco

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Julius Fazekas

Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2        #4455
Elecraft K3/100 #366
Elecraft K3/100