K2/100 RS232--No connection between radio and computer.

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K2/100 RS232--No connection between radio and computer.

Howard W. Ashcraft
I can't seem to get the RS232 data port to work on the K2/100.  There is no communication between the radio and either a computer or my Steppir antenna controller.  I have:

1)  Checked the cabling for pin connections, continuity and shorts.  I built another cable, just to check.
2)  Checked all components in the RS232 circuit for correctness.
3)  Checked all solder joints in the RS232 or connecting circuits.
4)  Checked the resistance across the RFChokes for an open connection/broken wire.
5)  Checked the setting for the sidetone to assure it wasn't misset.
6)  Tried using hyperterminal and Elecraft's control software.
7)  Confirmed that the laptop's serial port was available and operating.

Everything else in the K2/100 works fine.

Any suggestions?


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Re: K2/100 RS232--No connection between radio and computer.

Philip L Carter
Is the PORT turned on in the K2?  I think it is on the SEC menu.  Also,
the amp must be powered up first, if it is separately powered from the rig.

NRE/COLE Test Center OH-3
pcarter<at>gcfn.org or wd8qwr<at>arrl.net
Philip L. Carter, WD8QWR

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Re: K2/100 RS232--No connection between radio and computer.

Don Wilhelm-2
In reply to this post by Howard W. Ashcraft

There are only 3 RS-232 compatible signals on the K2/100 IO port - be aware
of that when connecting any device.  The RS-232 signals are Transmit Data
(TXD), Receive Data (RXD), and Signal Ground.  Connecting other RS-232
signals to the 9 pin connector on the K2/100 will make 'bad things happen'.

The problem is more likely to be in the computer connection than the K2
port.  The K2 cannot initiate the connection - it can only respond to data
sent from the computer.

Since the port is simplistic, and there are no handshaking signals
implemented in the K2, so be certain your computer or other device is
configured for 4800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and handshaking = none.
If your device must use handshaking, be certain you have put the 'optional'
jumper on the end of the cable that connects to the computer which will
provide a path for RTS/CTS (hardware) handshaking.


----- Original Message -----

I can't seem to get the RS232 data port to work on the K2/100.  There is no
communication between the radio and either a computer or my Steppir antenna
controller.  I have:

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Re: K2/100 RS232--No connection between radio and computer.

Jim Brown-10
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:26:22 -0400, Don Wilhelm wrote:

>The problem is more likely to be in the computer connection than the K2 port.  

I suggest downloading and installing the excellent Ham Radio Deluxe software that
controls a lot of radios very well, including the K2. It is freeware. Use this as a "known
good" element of the control chain. Use the default settings.

Writelog also works very well the K2 (but it isn't free).

Jim Brown  K9YC

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