K2/100 and KPA100 SWR bridges

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K2/100 and KPA100 SWR bridges

Hi ,
      I would have to say that the K2/100, coupled with the KAT00 is
probably one of the few radios I know of that have two SWR bridges in
series/parallel. How do they work together?
The VRFDET of both is joined together via pin 7 of J3 between the ATU and
the KPA100 and ultimately end up on pin 2 of the main MCU on the control
board. Ok, that detects power levels I believe, but what happens if either
SWR bridge stops functioning?
The VFWD and VREFL lines from each SWR bridge both go to their respective
MCU's on the boards they are derived from, and one can only assume they
dissapear as a signal back to the main MCU again via the Aux Bus ???   But
if they do and are in parallel, once again, how do they work? I imagine
there is some programming magic applied here somewhere.
I can also see that removing the SWR bridge when you plugged a KPA100 in
would be virtually impossible, but one of the big NO NO's in Ham Radio is
putting your SWR bridge before the ATU, so how does Elecraft get away with
this one?
I seem to remember the KAT2 can be used in series with outboard amps and the
like, but I also seem to remember they were "removed" by software...as such.
Perhaps this applies to what I am asking about, but I think not
....especially after having diodes shorted in the KPA100 and KAT100
seperately and both times the K2 was affected the same way.( ok.... I forget
to remove my antennas when lighting is around)
Just curious, and thought it might realign the Reflector with radio problems
rather than horticulture? [G]
Cheers.......Ron ZL1TW

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