K2/100 fb in the ARRL CW DX Contest but a problem now...

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K2/100 fb in the ARRL CW DX Contest but a problem now...

OE3ZK Gerhard

I ran the K2/100 during the ARRL Contest for 13 hours full power sometimes during a whole hour in the RUN mode (3 - 4 QSO's per minute) and made 600 contacts without any problem. Today I made a few more CW contacts and the K2 switched totally off for some unknown reason. Seemed like the DC power was tuned off by a safety device. Switching the K2 on after a while and all was OK again.

Sometimes I note "Hi Cur" (set to 3.5 A) or a "Hi refl" (SWR below 1.4)  for a very short time on the display - but I got used to this strange behaviour in the past...?

Any hints on this one??

Gert, OE3ZK
K2 # 2200 (with all latest mods in it).

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