K2/100 in ARRL DX Test

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K2/100 in ARRL DX Test

Steve L.-3
I entered the ARRL DX test casually this weekend to
check the performance of my recently updated K2 (added
the amp) and the new station setup to accommodate it.

I'm using it SO2R with an FT1000MP, both connected to
linears (really, I operate QRP with it, too!).

Again I'm struck at how well this radio performs under
contest conditions. Somehow Elecraft needs to get some
K2/100's in the hands of QRO contesters so they can
see it just LOOKS like a toy (not an insult).

While it takes multiple key presses to get some things
done, it's multiple presses of the SAME key and is
very easy to learn.

I was going to buy a Ten Tec Orion for my 2nd radio,
chose to go the cheaper route of just updating my K2
for QRO -- sure am glad I did!

73, Steve N4SL

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Re: K2/100 in ARRL DX Test

Tony Morgan-2
Glad your K2 performed well in the contest.
I too was in the contest casually with my K2.
Was also going to buy an Orion but opted for the KPA100 instead. We did save
a few bucks didn't we!

Tony W7GO

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve L." <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:38 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2/100 in ARRL DX Test

>I entered the ARRL DX test casually this weekend to
> check the performance of my recently updated K2 (added
> the amp) and the new station setup to accommodate it.
> I'm using it SO2R with an FT1000MP, both connected to
> linears (really, I operate QRP with it, too!).
> Again I'm struck at how well this radio performs under
> contest conditions. Somehow Elecraft needs to get some
> K2/100's in the hands of QRO contesters so they can
> see it just LOOKS like a toy (not an insult).
> While it takes multiple key presses to get some things
> done, it's multiple presses of the SAME key and is
> very easy to learn.
> I was going to buy a Ten Tec Orion for my 2nd radio,
> chose to go the cheaper route of just updating my K2
> for QRO -- sure am glad I did!
> 73, Steve N4SL
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