The only thing I can think of that would cause behavior like that - always
full power output above 11 watts and proper power control below 11 watts -
is a short between pins 1 and 2 of RP1 on the KPA100 board.
Look for a solder bridge across those pins of RP1.
That condition would short the voltage at pin 3 of U6 to ground when Q10
conducts (only during high power transmit) causing VRFDET to be quite low
and the K2 then thinks there is no power out, so it increases power as much
as the circuits will allow.
I certainly cannot explain why this might be band dependent.
----- Original Message -----
Hi folks!
This is a strange one for me.
I just got KPA100 in my K2.
I have worked nice DX after that and USB workes FB and I get very good
But on 30,40 and 80 LSB I put out 150-180 watts into dummyload when I
whistle in the mic.
I put out same power on settings 11-110 watts.
PA just won't regulate to 110 watts.
Tune take it down to 20 watts as it should.
CW workes as it should.
Transmitting into missmatch reducing power and shows Hi refl.
Going QRP 0,1-10 workes as always. FB.
In normal speech the powercontrol does have affect on setting.
USB work well below 30m. Behave normal.
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