K2/100 s/n 4719 running 100%

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K2/100 s/n 4719 running 100%

Mark - W5EZY
Finished the KPA100 this weekend and made 4 contacts
last night on 20m.  Got all very good reports.  It
sure feels good to finally finish a project of this
size and have it work 100% the first time.

I did have a couple of problems during the assembly
and alignment process, but was able to trace it all
back to my own fault.  You know..., skipped a step,
forgot to solder something, wrong part installed, etc.
 Usual stuff for a putz like me!  Bottom line, though,
I found the problems and could fix them myself, but I
knew if I got in trouble I had an arsenal of highly
qualified Elecrafters out there to help.  Elecraft,
you are great!  This has to be the best concept in
amateur radio today.

Mark Baugh
Grenada MS

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