K2 12 volt power jack for amplified speaker?

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K2 12 volt power jack for amplified speaker?

Tim Logan
Hi folks -
I have a Motorola amplified speaker that I am about to wire up. While the K2 is in my shack I would like to have the speaker's voltage supply come from the K2 - ie make an accessory jack.

Assuming the K2 has the on board battery installed,  where would be the ideal place to tap off the voltage and would it create any problem for the K2?

That's correct I am not a techy or even a sub-sub-techy :-) Thanks for the help in advance!
73/Tim NZ7C

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RE: K2 12 volt power jack for amplified speaker?

Don Wilhelm-3

Operating an external amplified speaker from the K2 internal battery will
work, but the amplifier will likely draw as much current as the K2 receiver,
significantly shortening the time you can operate on the internal battery.

If you really want to install an accessory jack, I would suggest using one
of the transverter holes in the top cover for the jack.

A suitable take off point could be at the cathode of D12.  There certainly
are others, but that one would be easy to implement, and should cause no
harm other than the extra current drawn from the battery.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hi folks -
> I have a Motorola amplified speaker that I am about to wire up.
> While the K2 is in my shack I would like to have the speaker's
> voltage supply come from the K2 - ie make an accessory jack.
> Assuming the K2 has the on board battery installed,  where would
> be the ideal place to tap off the voltage and would it create any
> problem for the K2?
> That's correct I am not a techy or even a sub-sub-techy :-)
> Thanks for the help in advance!
> 73/Tim NZ7C

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Re: RE: K2 12 volt power jack for amplified speaker?

Tim Logan
In reply to this post by Tim Logan
Don -
I probably did not make myself clear. I would only operate this speaker in my shack when the K2 was running off a power supply - I just like to avoid having another set of power cords going the the PS.

Regarding the battery I want to search the archives to see how I can run the K2 off an external battery when the internal battery poops out in the field (ie without popping the top and changing batteries. I need to set it up so that the external battery is not attempting to charge the internal battery.

Thanks Don!
From: "W3FPR - Don Wilhelm" <[hidden email]>
Date: 2005/01/31 Mon PM 04:38:29 EST
To: <[hidden email]>,
        <[hidden email]>
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 12 volt power jack for amplified speaker?


Operating an external amplified speaker from the K2 internal battery will
work, but the amplifier will likely draw as much current as the K2 receiver,
significantly shortening the time you can operate on the internal battery.

If you really want to install an accessory jack, I would suggest using one
of the transverter holes in the top cover for the jack.

A suitable take off point could be at the cathode of D12.  There certainly
are others, but that one would be easy to implement, and should cause no
harm other than the extra current drawn from the battery.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hi folks -
> I have a Motorola amplified speaker that I am about to wire up.
> While the K2 is in my shack I would like to have the speaker's
> voltage supply come from the K2 - ie make an accessory jack.
> Assuming the K2 has the on board battery installed,  where would
> be the ideal place to tap off the voltage and would it create any
> problem for the K2?
> That's correct I am not a techy or even a sub-sub-techy :-)
> Thanks for the help in advance!
> 73/Tim NZ7C


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