K2 160 meter module alignment

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K2 160 meter module alignment

Lars Edwards
Hoping I can get some advice from some other owners on this

I've run into an INFO232 message when trying to run the CAL PLL for the 160 meter module.

The manual for the 160 module gives advice on INFO 231 and 235 but not on INFO 232

Up to this point all checks appeared to be ok.  

I do have a note in my owners manual to the effect that if INFO 232 shows up during  CAL PLL make sure that the counter is on TP1 (it is) and that 40M is selected.

The 160 meter manual says to set @ 1800.1 kHz and run the CAL PLL.

I'm hoping someone else has had this experience and provide some info.

BTW the module is working on receive for sure - I'm able to receive a 1530 AM broadcast station and the frequency display is 1530.00 kHz



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Re: K2 160 meter module alignment

Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 07:55:46PM -0600, Lars Edwards wrote:

> Hoping I can get some advice from some other owners on this
> I've run into an INFO232 message when trying to run the CAL PLL for the 160 meter module.
> The manual for the 160 module gives advice on INFO 231 and 235 but not on INFO 232
> Up to this point all checks appeared to be ok.  
> I do have a note in my owners manual to the effect that if INFO 232 shows up during  CAL PLL make sure that the counter is on TP1 (it is) and that 40M is selected.
> The 160 meter manual says to set @ 1800.1 kHz and run the CAL PLL.

That was the correct procedure at the time the K160RX came out.  The
errata sheet says that with K2 firmware 2.00 and later, CAL PLL should
only be run on 40 meters.

73, Bob N7XY

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Re: K2 160 meter module alignment

Lars Edwards
In reply to this post by Lars Edwards
Many thanks to all of you for all the quick responses !

There was not a note with the K160RX kit - but thanks to all of you I do now
know another place to check when I run into a problem like this.



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Re: K2 160 meter module alignment

Bill Coleman-2
In reply to this post by Bob Nielsen

On Jan 4, 2005, at 9:58 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> That was the correct procedure at the time the K160RX came out.  The
> errata sheet says that with K2 firmware 2.00 and later, CAL PLL should
> only be run on 40 meters.

This seems to be a frequent error. Perhaps it's time to rev the K160RX

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [hidden email]
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