K2 #3360 Is Finally seeing daylight

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K2 #3360 Is Finally seeing daylight

Ralph T. Stetson III
Well Folks

I have to admit that I am finally getting around to building #3360.

She is slowly taking form now the Control board finished and tucked away in
an Anti Stat Bag awaiting the RF Board.

The Front Panel is also nearing compleation ant then onto the RF board.

Alas I will not sink into nothing to do right away as there are also the
K160RX, KAF2, KBT2, KNB2, KSB2 and MH2 to be assembled as well.

All of these items were purchased on 3/19/2003.

Since then it has been one thing after another keeping away from this much
anticipated project.

Now that I am home on Medical leave.  The time is right to attack this long
overdue project.

Shucks with any amount of light #3360 should be sharing its Mojo before
3/19/05 at least the spirit is willing although I do have to listen to this
old body more then I would like lately.

I see the Temp light is indicating GO for it.

So back to the work bench.

Ralph T. Stetson III, KD1R
Emergency Services Coordinator
Northern Vermont Chapter, American Red Cross
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