Good morning all.
Not being able to receive WWV here in London, England, and not having an equivalent domestic service ourselves any more, I have been looking around for a signal against which to calibrate the 4 MHz oscillator. RWM (Moscow) may be suitable in that they transmit time info., on 4996, 9996 and 14996 KHz and I can receive them hear loud and clear. But I wish to check my logic as their signal is A1X at 1000 Hz so there is no carrier or voice against which to tune. Can I do the following ? Set K2 to LSB (i.e. not CW in order to remove the CW offset) Set SPOT (STP) tone to 1KHz Zero beat with SPOT tone against RWM signal and then proceed with the N6KR method for setting the 4MHz oscillator (by setting the difference between the BFO and VFO to exactly 9996 with C22) Comments gratefully received. Many thanks Colin M0XED ************************************************************************* This message and any attachments (the "message") are confidential, intended solely for the addressee(s), and may contain legally privileged information. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. E-mails are susceptible to alteration. Neither SOCIETE GENERALE nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall be liable for the message if altered, changed or falsified. ************ Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont confidentiels et susceptibles de contenir des informations couvertes par le secret professionnel. Ce message est etabli a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation ou diffusion non autorisee est interdite. Tout message electronique est susceptible d'alteration. La SOCIETE GENERALE et ses filiales declinent toute responsabilite au titre de ce message s'il a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. ************************************************************************* ______________________________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:[hidden email] This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: |
While that may work, I have never done it that way and cannot say. I would choose one of two alternate methods. 1) Use Spectrogram to determine that you are receiving a tone at exactly 1000 Hz, then proceed with the N6KR method. 2) Tune the signal on another AM receiver - the tone you hear will be the modulating tone and you can zero-beat the signal received on the K2 to that tone. 73, Don W3FPR Colin BUTCHER wrote: > Good morning all. > > Not being able to receive WWV here in London, England, and not having an > equivalent domestic service ourselves any more, I have been looking around > for a signal against which to calibrate the 4 MHz oscillator. RWM (Moscow) > may be suitable in that they transmit time info., on 4996, 9996 and 14996 > KHz and I can receive them hear loud and clear. > > But I wish to check my logic as their signal is A1X at 1000 Hz so there is > no carrier or voice against which to tune. Can I do the following ? > > Set K2 to LSB (i.e. not CW in order to remove the CW offset) > Set SPOT (STP) tone to 1KHz > Zero beat with SPOT tone against RWM signal and then proceed with the N6KR > method for setting the 4MHz oscillator (by setting the difference between > the BFO and VFO to exactly 9996 with C22) > > Comments gratefully received. > > Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:[hidden email] This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: |
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