K2#4155 speaker/audio

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K2#4155 speaker/audio

Joe Ford
Fellow Elecrafters:

I need help with this one. During the entire construction process
everything went fine until the very last step; I wired up the internal
speaker, powered on and the audio sounded horrible. Very raspy with cw
signals having a hollow, high pitched ring to them.

1. Headphones sound fine.
2. External speaker sounds good.
3. Loosening or tightening the speaker screws changes the sound but
still distorted.

I contacted Gary. He suggested checking speaker installation and
external speaker jack wiring. All okay there. I removed the K2 speaker
and replaced it with the internal speaker from my K1. It sounds good. So
I let Gary know and Scott mailed me a replacement speaker. I wire it up
and it sounds the same as the first one. What's going on here?

For the last several days I've been checking and rechecking. Everything
looks okay. Headphones and external speaker okay. At present I have the
K1 speaker back in and it's okay. The K1 is 8 ohm, .5 watt and the
external speaker is also 8 ohm. Can this mean something?

It does not seem possible to get two bad speakers. Suggestions will be

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RE: K2#4155 speaker/audio

Lyle Johnson-7
> I need help with this one. During the entire construction
> process everything went fine until the very last step; I
> wired up the internal speaker, powered on and the audio
> sounded horrible. Very raspy with cw signals having a hollow,
> high pitched ring to them. ..

The magnet is very heavy in the K2 speaker, and the frame often gets
distorted (bent) as a result.  I had terrible audio and had to straighten
the speakers in two of my radios.  It's easy to do, no tools required.  Now
they sound great!

Lyle KK7P

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RE: K2#4155 speaker/audio

Lyle Johnson-7
> The magnet is very heavy in the K2 speaker, and the frame
> often gets distorted (bent) as a result.

Let me clarify.  The speaker frame can get distorted in shipping while not
installed in the radio.  I've never had a repeat problem after correcting
the initial distortion.

Lyle KK7P

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RE: K2#4155 speaker/audio

In reply to this post by Joe Ford

Let me  clarify.  The speaker frame can get distorted in shipping while  not
installed in the radio.  I've never had a repeat problem after  correcting
the initial distortion.

To check for a twisted speaker, carefully move the cone in and out by hand.  
Just push straight down on it gently, and then let go. The cone should move  
perceptibly, but the voice coil should not rub.

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RE: K2#4155 speaker/audio

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
I had a bent speaker frame on K2 S/N 1289 when I built it several years ago.
The problem showed up very clearly as a "fuzzy" addition to what should be a
clear audio tone. This is caused by the voice coil touching the magnet.

Several of us discovered them at that time. Elecraft immediately replaced
any upon request.

I fixed mine instead. I did it as follows:

I tuned in a station like WWV that produced a clear beat note in the speaker
(or should have). The sidetone might work too, but the early K2's, at least,
do not have a clean sine wave sidetone and so it's harder to hear the "fuzz"
on it.

Using a wide blade screwdriver, I placed it between the frame and the edge
of the magnet, and twisted it just enough to move the edge of the magnet
slightly while listening to the tone. If no change, I released the pressure
and moved on to a new spot. At one point moving the magnet caused the tone
to clear up. Twisting the screwdriver a little harder put a permanent bend
in the frame to hold the voice coil in the clear. Just try it in small
steps, twisting a little farther each try until the tone stays clear when
you let go. Don't press hard on the screwdriver. You don't want it to slip
through the gaps in the frame and punch a hole in the cone!

I fixed mine several years ago and I've not had any trouble since.

I suspect that it takes a huge "whack" to make the magnet bend the frame
even though it is a fairly heavy magnet and a simple stamped metal frame. It
was probably bigger "whack" than the kit would  experience being shipped,
but it could have happened at any time before Elecraft got the speakers, or
they could even be something not being caught at the factory.

If I recall correctly, the speaker in my K2 came from China.


-----Original Message-----
To check for a twisted speaker, carefully move the cone in and out by hand.

Just push straight down on it gently, and then let go. The cone should move

perceptibly, but the voice coil should not rub.


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Re: K2#4155 speaker/audio

Larry Makoski W2LJ
Just a sidebar.

I work in the service department for a company that sells professional
photographic equipment.  We often deal with FedEX and UPS with claims
for damage that occurs during shipping.

The FedEX guy was telling me how carefully stuff has to be packed,
because when a package hits the bumper stop at the end of one of those
sorting conveyors, it can be exposed to as much as 11 G's !!!  Lots of
inertia there!

It seems to be a minor miracle that stuff comes undamaged at all,

73 de Larry W2LJ - Vivat Morse! © ®

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ARRL Lifemember  QRP ARCI #4488     NJQRP #47
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K1 #1647  -  K2 #4090  for QRP
Icom IC-751A for QRO
Butternut HF9V and G5RV antennas

Ron wrote:

I suspect that it takes a huge "whack" to make the magnet bend the frame
even though it is a fairly heavy magnet and a simple stamped metal
frame. It was probably bigger "whack" than the kit would  experience
being shipped,
but it could have happened at any time before Elecraft got the speakers,
or they could even be something not being caught at the factory.

If I recall correctly, the speaker in my K2 came from China.


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K2 Low AF Output

Paul T. Rubin
In reply to this post by Ron D'Eau Claire-2

Hello all:

I've just purchased a used K2, #3269. I find that the audio output to the
internal speaker, while clear has limited volume, especially when I want to
use the rig with full AF gain, turn off the AGC and manually adjust the RF
gain control. Is this situation unique to my rig, or have other people also
noticed this? If so, is anyone aware of a mod to increase the AF output

Paul Rubin N8NOV
Houston, Texas

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Re: K2 Low AF Output

I also received a built K2 recently. Love the radio accept the speaker audio is very raspy and distorted even at low volumes. I'll check my speaker as well. I know that the ATU became unplugged when it was shipping. That would have to be a pretty hard hit for that to happen.

Demian (KA2ZEY)