K2 #4248 on the air

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K2 #4248 on the air

Laurie Landry
    K2 #4248 made it's first contact with K2UY of Oceanside,NY on June
14/04.  Many thanks to Wayne and Eric for the fine design, and to Gary and
Don ,W3FPR, for helping me correct a (senior moment) error.  That is using
the right size but the wrong color of toroid for T5.  It took me about 50
hours stuffing components but one week to learn that yellow was yellow!  The
only other slowdown was locating the 1/2 watt resistors at the end of the
tape. I was searching everywhere else.
    Now the time has arrived to upgrade my cw, but the system's 73 years old
HD and RAM could also use some upgrading, to speed up the task.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a suitable upgrade kit for that
kind of procedure!
    Hoping to meet some of you fine folks with Elecraft rigs on the air.


Laurie, VE1AWJ

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