K2 #4293, "Alignment and Test, Part I"

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K2 #4293, "Alignment and Test, Part I"

Jukka Tarvainen (OH4MFA)
Hi All on the Elecraft-list!

I received a K2-kit and some options last Friday. I planned ordering K2
from the Elecraft for more than one year, so I was quite well prepared,
read the manuals, got some tools etc. But still I was amazed, when I opened
the box. So many small parts. Not being a pro on the electronics it looked
very very big job ahead. Well, I started with the N-Gen and XG1 kits to
get on with soldering. Those went together without any problems.

Then came the inventory of the basic K2 kit. It took one evening and next
morning to finish. All the parts were there, some extras also. And I went
on with control board assembly followed by the front panel. And started
RF-board. Soon it was time to put K2 ready for alignment and test, part
I. Everything went together nicely.

Then the exciting part, connect 12 V battery and switch the unit on. "Info
201" came OK and relays crack. But nothing after that... I was in the "ELE"
start problem. I dismantled the boards and carefully checked and re-do soldering
and parts. No help. It was quite late in Sunday evening, so I went to bed.
I found some info from my archives of Elecraft E-mail list, but not solution.
I don't have Internet connection at home, but have some old mails on my
PC. I went to work before seven a.m. this Monday morning to get access to
the searchable e-mail list on the web. From there I found lot of information
about similar problem. I saved some mails on the disk and brought them home
after the workday. Then after small rest I started to look for the problem.
It was almost on the top of the list on Gary's e-mail, R13. I somehow mixed
the 68k and 5.6k (supplied with MH2) resistors, when installing the KSB2
parts on the front panel. I unsoldered wrong resistor and installed correct
one. Then put boards together and plugged 12 V supply and made 4-5-6-reset.
"Info 201"...and then "7100.00c"... What a relief!

Now the "Part I" test is done and everything was OK. Assembly part II follows.

Only sad thing what happened during this. I melted slightly two of the black
keycaps with soldering iron. I should have known that I will be doing some
rework on the board and should have left the keycaps uninstalled. Well,
there is the "home-made" label now, I hope there would not be too many afterwards:)

I will be asking for some instructions here, if I don't find help from the
archives, when I get in trouble next time. The internet has already proven
to be very useful. Thank You for all the help, who provide these wonderful

73 de
Jukka, OH4MFA
K2 #4293
Jukka O. Tarvainen, OH4MFA
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Re: K2 #4293, "Alignment and Test, Part I"

Jukka Tarvainen (OH4MFA) wrote:

> Only sad thing what happened during this. I melted slightly two of the black
> keycaps with soldering iron. I should have known that I will be doing some
> rework on the board and should have left the keycaps uninstalled. Well,
> there is the "home-made" label now, I hope there would not be too many afterwards:)

Elecraft sells extra keycaps for US$ 0.50.  See


unless you like the home-made look and want to keep it!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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