K2 #4293 power output problem solved

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K2 #4293 power output problem solved

Jukka Tarvainen (OH4MFA)
Good morning Elecrafters!

My K2 power output problem solved, first QSO done. Everything seems to be
OK now.

Yesterday my friend Sami, OH4KLU, came over and we looked together into
K2 problem. There was no indication of TX nowhere. 8R voltage went down
to 0.6 V, not below 0.3 V. We started to look reason for that and didn't
find any. Then checked D7 and voltage was missing from there when in TUNE.
Then we looked for 8T and found out that U6 P27 on control board did not
go to 5 V when in TUNE. P28 RX was OK and changed from 5 to 0 V when in
TUNE. Then we look into Q1-Q4 (ctrl-board) and found that there was something
wrong around Q3. There was only 100 ohms between gate and ground. We took
another 2N7000 from amp keying kit and replaced Q3. Then tested again and
got 1+ watts from 40 m. TX worked! I installed heat sink back in place and
started to align BPF. All bands went easily to 2 watts and got 10 watts
in 40 m with 2.2 A using 12 V SLA-battery as power supply. It was late after
midnight, so we didn't test other bands power output. But we had to make
short test and put a wire on the balcony and went looking for stations in
40 m. With 5 watts I worked HF650D (SP) and asked about my tone. The answer
was that tone is FB and clear. Then I shut down K2 and went to sleep with
big smile on my face.

Today I will check output on other bands too and go to test the rig with
better antennas.

Thank you Gary at Elecraft, Don W3FPR and others for help. I still have
many options to go ahead, so I believe I will need some assistance later
on too.

73 de Jukka, OH4MFA
K2 #4293

p.s. I found PTTL in T6 :( I will make toroids in the future more carefully.

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