K2 4467 on the Air

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K2 4467 on the Air

Chuck Gehring
Well we made it, K2 #4467 is finally on the air.  Our first CQ was answered
by K4THL with his K1,  now that was sweet.  The rig is working fine on all
bands, I haven't completed a full shake down but so far so good.  I still
have some questions, but nothing that I can't live with for now.

I never did get a perfect match between the BFO and the VFO following N6KR
Wayne's instructions for calibrating the 4 MHz Master Oscillator.  The best
I could manage was 220 Hz difference measuring between TP1 and TP2.   But I
only ran the procedure once and may try it again later.  I hope I didn't
overheat the crystal applying the ground to the case.

During the Final Alignment I used the Elecraft N-Gen as a signal source.  It
was difficult to find a peak during the Receiver Pre-Alignment on 3750
adjusting L3 and L4.  There was a peak but very flat and wide.

Finding the Peak on 17 meters during the Pre-Alignment, never happened using
C32 and C34.  I finally left them at the mid range and got a peak during the
Transmitter Alignment.

I also have the QSK Thump on the speaker and headset that I have read about
on the Archives.  It is a little different from my Ten Tec rig but I'll

I really want to extend my whole hearted Thanks to the entire crew at
Elecraft, super rig and great instructions.  All of my parts were there,
Thanks Christine and Kim, Super Job.  My Thanks to Gary for dealing with all
the questions.  Finally thanks to you guys on the Elecraft Reflector for the
recommendations and reassurance that I was not the only one who did
something stupid, by installing a diode in backwards.  Your secret is safe
with me guys.

73, KI4DGH

Chuck Gehring

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