yes, K2 #4520 is up und running :-)
After i have changed the two transistors Q9 & Q10 the internal frequency
counter has no problem anymore.
It is really a pleasure to work with the K2.
But i have one small problem. On 17m and 15m my K2 has only very low output.
All other Bands are ok. Receiving is ok, only the output is low.
All measurements are done with an Wavetek SI 4031 Stabilock and should
be ok.
Voltage is 13.8V
Frequency Offset Pout Current
3.75 Mhz 10 Hz 14.9W 3.18 A
7.10 MHz 7 Hz 14.9W 3.18 A
10.10 MHz 8 Hz 13.3W 3.08 A
14.10 MHz 13 Hz 14.0W 2.80 A
18.10 MHz 2 Hz 0.29W 0.75 A
21.10 MHz 10 Hz 0.32W 0.72 A
24.90 MHz 20 Hz 13.9 W 2.80 A
28.20 MHz 11 Hz 10.6 W 2.61 A
I think the problem is not T1 or T2 because the output power on 12m and
10m are ok.
Maybe i have a problem with L10 & L11 or C32 & C32?
73 de Peter - HB9DUT
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