Well.....it is hard to believe but K2 #4686 is alive and well! For some
two to three years I had dreamed of building a K2, but for lack of funds
and fear of failure I kept putting it off. Finally, the itch got to be
to much for me. So, back in February I called Lisa and placed my order.
for a couple of small miscues on my part the build went without a hitch!
I made my maiden SSB contacts yesterday and am setting up a sked
for my maiden CW contact. Is it OK if I stick out my chest and get a
little puffed up with pride?! <grin> Thanks Elecraft for making quality kits
that we rank amateurs can build and make work!
73 & God Bless,
http://webpages.charter.net/kgkAmbassadors For Christ Net +/- 7.280
M-F at 2:00 EST Sat at 3:00 EST
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