Wow, I can't believe all those parts really turn into a radio. The
electronic design of the radio may be pretty good, but Christine ("This
subassembly packed by: Christine") did an absolutely PERFECT job of packing
every single part correctly. Amazing.
Anyway, lessons learned that may help someone later:
1) L31 was shipped to me as a 10uH shielded Inductor, but my PLL Reference
Oscillator Range would not go higher than 9.45 kHz until Lisa (in Parts)
shipped me a 12uH replacement. The range is now over 12 kHz as I remember.
2) Take a nap before installing T4. I managed to install it BACKWARDS as I
went past midnight in my assembly excitement. The rig still put out 8-10W,
but the current was at 4A. Lucky I didn't smoke anything in the rig! After
fixing T4, the rig puts out 18W at just under 3A.
Lastly, a big thanks to Gary, AB7MY. He helped me find the answers to these
issues very quickly and I really appreciate his advice.
Now on to the KPA100 and DSP units. See you on the air.
Bob K5WA
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