K2 4718 Complete!

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K2 4718 Complete!

Christian Adamec
I finished K2 4718 last night (heard a Russian station calling CQ on 40
meters!). I am only a lowly no-code tech right now and have had my
license for only a few months. I bought this radio because it seemed to
me to be what ham radio should be all about. I am working on upgrading
my license (i.e. learning the code) and cannot wait to get this radio
on the air. In the mean time, I may continue to add options... Maybe a
6 meter transverter... I can see that this radio could be a work in
progress for a long time! This was the first radio I ever built and the
most complicated electronics project by far. I finished it in a couple
weeks. When I would work on it, I just couldn't put it down. I had no
major problems other than when I was short one switch and continued
with the build before I got it. You might remember this caused 'not
inst' to flash when 'menu' was pressed. For anyone with a penchant for
building things, all I can say is this is the kit for you. It really
helps to take the advice on the website regarding tools as well. My
Weller station, Excelite cutters and Soldapullt were money well spent
for this project. Thank you Elecraft for helping keep ham radio alive
and fun!

Chris KC9GSV

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RE: K2 4718 Complete!

Steven Pituch
Great news Chris!

See the SolidCopy web site, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SolidCpyCW/  and
join their email list.  Lots of useful advice on passing the code test.  The
Koch program they push is the best that I've seen for learning the code.

Also, my K2 #402 is working gangbusters for the QRP Foxhunts.  It’s a nice
feeling knowing that you have the best equipment available.

Steve, Pituch

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