K2 #4726 alive!!

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K2 #4726 alive!!

Hi o all the list

As expected, K2 #4726 passed alignment and test part III without
troubles. As far as I operate 100% QRP I wound T4 for better efficiency
at 5W (2:2 ratio). One of the first contacts on 40m was with Fred,
EA5/DL4ZBY, who was also with a K2 running 10W to a G5RV antenna. I was
running 4W to a compromise antenna (random vertical square loop around
the front façade of the building feeding a 4:1 balun to a Z11 atu). I
hope in a few weeks I will erect a 23' marine whip with a LDG QRP tuner
in a waterproof case at the antenna base with a set of resonant radials.
The fact is that I have no room for wire antennas and the vertical whip
is a feasible alternative basically because of the strong winds in that
area (I already had to disassemble a R7000 and R7 because they were
absolutely bent by the strong wind storms). I hope also to be able to
refurbish the antenna setup in my home QTH in Barcelona to be able to
put strong QRP sigs with my 2 element delta loop (Lightning Bolt) from
10 to 20m and my 102' doublet dipole with open line feeders, 4:1 balun
and again Z11 atu. I will probably try as well a windom FD3 (I do not
have room for the FD4).
Next weekend I will test and install the K2 accessories I built: KSB2,
NB2 and AF2.
I am planning as well to add the digital modes interface designed by
Pauli, EA3BLQ. I guess that PSK31 is a suitable mode to operate in QRP.

Best 72 to all de Vicens, EA3ADV

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