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K2 #5471 On the Air!

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K2 #5471 On the Air!

jeff martin-6
K2 #5471 was completed without incident on Sunday, May
27th. First QSO was at 8:30PM PDST...I tried to get
done before the 40 meter ECN, but just missed.
I started the project in May of '06, but due to work
obligations, had to postpone operations on the RF
board ...I finally told myself I was going to use the
3 day weekend to try to finish the K2. I think I put
in 2 good 10 hour days finishing the last 3/4s of the
RF board, etc. What a blast! And...I had absolutely no
problems with the K2 during testing and
alignment...everything worked just as advertised, a
definite tribute to the fine engineering and great
assembly manual created by the Elecraft team.
I might add that use of Spectrogram during filter cal
and adjustment of IF gain (L34) really made the
process easy...the visual feedback is hard to beat for
making the process understandable and the results are
gratifying. Thanks to all who provided information on
the alignment topics (and all other topics) in this
forum...I felt quite comfortable with the process
before I even started because of all of the
information posted here.
Next up: SSB board, noise blanker, KPA100 ,
tuner....hope I can get them done in a little less

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