K2 #5540 is now alive! It was purchased at Dayton, and first came to
life about 2 weeks ago. It is a base K2 at the moment, but I have
the KSB module on the bench now, and probably will purchase the
KPA100 around Christmas. No assembly problems, everything checked
out the first time. Due to my work schedule I only have a few hours
here and there. That forced me to take my time and be careful, and
it paid off in a perfect assembly and checkout. Filters were aligned
using the Elecraft Ngen noise generator and Hamscope software
(spectrum plot). The crystal filtering is very impressive - I will
probably get the DSP board at some point but I could be very happy
with the Xtal filters alone.
This is probably the best CW rig I have ever owned - very smooth and
easy to use. My previous favorite was a Ten-Tec Triton IV, but the
little K2 has it beat hands down. All in all, a very fun kit
building experience. When I was a young man, I enjoyed building
Heathkit test equipment (a lot of which is still in use), so I am
grateful that someone still designs and sells kits.
Best regards to everyone.
- Bill
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