K2 6442 About to be Born......

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K2 6442 About to be Born......

Alignment pains 6 min apart....

Up to now all T&A results have been within specs.  All the way to tx alignment on page 80 where confusion entered and ignorance poked his head in the delivery room.

The second column on page 80 starts stepping through the bands after aligning L3 &4 on 80m.  However, there is no mention of using TUNE in conjunction with the procedure like the tx adjustment for 40m done previously.  Should that be assumed even though the instructions do not indicate?

Any assistance on this in order to get this baby delivered and accessories installed will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: K2 6442 About to be Born......

Don Wilhelm-4

Yes, use TUNE - set the power level to somewhere between 1.5 and 2 watts
and adjust for peak output.  Be certain to follow the band order
indicated.  The bands are arranged in pairs, and the inductors for that
pair must be adjusted before the capacitors.


MTcja wrote:

> Alignment pains 6 min apart....
> Up to now all T&A results have been within specs.  All the way to tx
> alignment on page 80 where confusion entered and ignorance poked his head in
> the delivery room.
> The second column on page 80 starts stepping through the bands after
> aligning L3 &4 on 80m.  However, there is no mention of using TUNE in
> conjunction with the procedure like the tx adjustment for 40m done
> previously.  Should that be assumed even though the instructions do not
> indicate?
> Any assistance on this in order to get this baby delivered and accessories
> installed will be greatly appreciated.
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