K2 6442 - Chasing zero on alignment.

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K2 6442 - Chasing zero on alignment.

I have been working through the alignment prior to final assembly on my K2.  Up through the receiver pre-alignment things seem ok.  However, I seem to have some problems on the TX alignment on page 80.

To do this process I am using the integrated meter and the Elecraft Dummy Load.  In addition, I do not have sufficient understanding to reason out things that do not seem to work as expected.  I have done the procedure several times and it seems that I have to make bigger than expected changes each time.  Here is what has happened:

1.  Larger than expected changes;
2.  BAND +/- skips band and have to manually tune to frequency or remains on same freq;
3.  When aligning 17m adjusting c32/4 does not change power indication.  Indication will flicker up or down by .1 watt.

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it.  Is there a way to get everything back to a "default" starting place and start over with the whole part III process?  I am really hoping to get this resolved so I can do the final assembly and install all the accessories.  I do not want to do that until I am relatively confident that the alignment is ok.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.

Kalispell, MT


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Re: K2 6442 - Chasing zero on alignment.

Don Wilhelm-4

What exactly do you mean by #2.  If BAND+/- is 'skipping' a band, then
that is an indication that you may have tuned WITH THE VFO to the next
band.  The K2 will *not* change bands when you turn the VFO (even though
the display may have the correct frequency indicated).

If you have created that condition by tuning from one band to the other
with the VFO, then the way to get things back to normal is to do a
Direct Frequency Entry for each band in question (or just do it for all
bands to be certain they are all correct).

Such a situation *could* explain you bandpass filter tuning problems on
80 meters and 17 meters too.


MTcja wrote:
> 1.  Larger than expected changes;
> 2.  BAND +/- skips band and have to manually tune to frequency or remains on
> same freq;
> 3.  When aligning 17m adjusting c32/4 does not change power indication.
> Indication will flicker up or down by .1 watt.
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