K2 7109 Progress report

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K2 7109 Progress report


I just finished the 2nd phase of the build.  I plugged the power supply in, turned it on and failed to smell smoke so I opened my eyes and there it was waiting for me to do something, wow.

The 4MHz Oscillator calibration came in at 12099.08 kHz. The PLL Reference oscillator range test came in at 11.76, within the range of 9.8 to 15.0.  The VCO test resulted in a 8697.25kHz.

So I hope I'm off to a good start with numbers like that.  Still have plenty to test and do put I'm to tired to continue for the night.

So 73,

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Re: K2 7109 Progress report

Hi I am building SN 7105 which is close to yours in SN.  I am still in the Phase 2 RF board build.  I will tabs on your progress.  You are ahead of me.
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Re: K2 7109 Progress report

I hope your having as much fun building your as I am building mine.  I will have to put it away for a while.  I will be working and not home until the 5th of next month so you will be well ahead of me by then, so post your progress and I will do the same.
