K2 AGC and CAL HI LO value question

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K2 AGC and CAL HI LO value question

Jean-François | VA2SS
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Re: K2 AGC and CAL HI LO value question

Don Wilhelm-4

The AGC Threshold setting between 3.74 and 3.8 volts should work just
fine - do not exceed 3.8 volts.  If set too low, the CAL S LO and CAL
S-HI settings get out of hand.

Your CAL S-LO setting of 182 is not unusual, but your CAL S-HI setting
is lower than usual - and that is the reason for your overly active S-meter.

If you have a signal source that will produce a 50 mV output (-73 dBm)
use that to set CAL S-HI when tuned to that signal with the preamp on.  
Set CAL S-HI for an S-9 reading on the K2 display.
If you do not have an S-9 signal source, first set the RF Gain fully CCW
and adjust CAL S-HI for a full scale reading on the Bargraph. In the
next step, do not go any higher than that setting.
Lastly try a CAL S-HI setting between 18 and 25 and see what the S-meter
readings produce with signals on the air.
When you are satisfied with the S-meter activity, stop and enjoy your K2.

Your voltage readings are within the range of normalcy.


On 1/28/2014 5:14 PM, VA2SS wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a few problems in the past (builder's mistakes hi!) with my K2.
> Today, I suspect that these problem affect the AGC on my K2.... when setting
> up the CAL HI and LO, my actuel readings are CAL HI set at 013 and CAL LO
> set at 184 when U2 PIN5 is set to 3.8V.
> I also found she using the K2 that the AGC a little bit too generous or
> "exited"... hi !!
> I found an old post of Don giving many values with a K2 used for the the
> test. I set the U2 PIN5 at 3.74 like in the post and do a few measurement
> with 3.74V value.

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Re: K2 AGC and CAL HI LO value question

Jean-François | VA2SS
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