[K2] Another Rework Eliminator(TM) Option Bypass Header Production Run

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[K2] Another Rework Eliminator(TM) Option Bypass Header Production Run

Gary W. Hvizdak
After a promising initial flurry, K2 Option Bypass Headers kit
preorders have subsided leaving us well below our 100-kit goal.  
At this point it's looking like either:  A) there won't be another
production run; or B) if there is, the pricing will be more like
$24 postproduction and $12 preproduction sale.

If you are waiting to purchase a Headers kit -- expecting that
we will receive sufficient preorders without yours -- please do
preorder.  Otherwise, there's a very good chance you'll never
have an opportunity to place an order!  And even if you do, you
might not be extended the same 1/2 price offer as those who did.

Gary  KI4GGX
webmaster http://www.unpcbs.com/

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