K2 Autospace keying

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K2 Autospace keying

Is there any plans to provide an 'Autospace', probably menu selected, option
for the K2 keyer?
73s,  Nigel ZL2DF

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RE: K2 Autospace keying

Fraser Robertson

73 Fraser G4BJM (previous requestee of this, along with others).

>Is there any plans to provide an 'Autospace', probably menu selected,
>for the K2 keyer?
>73s,  Nigel ZL2DF

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RE: K2 Autospace keying

Peter Linsley
ME TOO......

73, Peter G3PDL

On 20 Feb 2005 at 14:58, Fraser Robertson wrote:

> 73 Fraser G4BJM (previous requestee of this, along with others).
> >
> >Is there any plans to provide an 'Autospace', probably menu selected,
> > option for the K2 keyer? -- 73s,  Nigel ZL2DF

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RE: K2 Autospace keying

In reply to this post by Nigel-14
And I hope it can be added to the KX1 firmware as well.

IMHO, once you get used to the auto character space feature, it is hard to
go back to a keyer without that option.  That is why I still use the
original CMOS Super Keyer 1 from the 1980's.  Like the WB4VVF Accukeyer, it
allows smooth sending at higher speeds with great timing. The NorCal Keyer
and the K1EL chips also have that feature.
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