K2 Bandscope update

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K2 Bandscope update

I've updated the little bandscope I wrote to fix the problem with
unexpected messages if the K2 had previously been using another CAT
program. I've also made some improvements in operation so you can more
easily continue scanning the same band segment after clicking on a
signal. For those who weren't sure, it REQUIRES a KIO2 and hence it's no
use for any radio except a K2. And yes, it's a Windows program.

Nearly 100 people downloaded the original as of midnight last night when
the web stats were generated. I'd be interested in some feedback on it,
particularly from those who have one of the commercial programs with a
bandscope to compare it with. Those programs appear to use audio, via
the sound card, to generate the bandscope. Those programs aren't
available for free trial, so I can't test them to see for myself.

As I wrote yesterday, this was primarily an experiment to see how to
make a bandscope for the K2. It seemed to me that if I used audio, then
in order to be sure the audio the program was hearing was coming from
the frequency it set, the program would have to scan the band very
slowly. This bandscope scans 100 1KHz segments in about 5 seconds, but
it takes an S meter reading at each point and uses this to plot the
activity. It doesn't look as pretty as the audio-derived bandscopes. The
question is whether it does as useful a job.

The download URL, for those who missed it the first time, is
http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo/files/k2bandscope.zip . It's still just a
zip file you have to install yourself, and you won't find any mention of
the program in the web pages.

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

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