K2 Beacon program

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K2 Beacon program

Tom Koeken

In 2003 Tony Wells made a beacon program for the K2 , named Beacon Monster. I found a version 1.0 in my archive.
I want to use it for some tests next saturday (march 12). The program works but a bit of finetuning would be nice.

His side at blueyonder.co.uk , as mentioned by Google etc., seems down.
Does anyone of you know if Tony ever published a higher version?

best 73
Tom PC5D
K2/100 2709
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Re: K2 Beacon program

Charles Greene

Yes he has a new version as of a few days ago.  I have it and have been
using it to test an EH antenna vs a standard 1/4 wave vertical.  You can
contact Tony at [hidden email] and ask for a copy.  He has made
it available to the EH antenna group.

At 12:19 PM 3/9/2005, you wrote:

>In 2003 Tony Wells made a beacon program for the K2 , named Beacon
>Monster. I found a version 1.0 in my archive.
>I want to use it for some tests next saturday (march 12). The program
>works but a bit of finetuning would be nice.
>His side at blueyonder.co.uk , as mentioned by Google etc., seems down.
>Does anyone of you know if Tony ever published a higher version?
>best 73
>Tom PC5D
>K2/100 2709

73,  Chas,  W1CG

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