K2 Big case

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K2 Big case

Hello K2'ers!

Maybe the K2 is big enough like it is for portable use and qrp work but I will also like a bigger front pannel with some more comfortable tunning knob.
Bigger front pannel would also accomodate more buttons (without sub functions) like XFIL independent selection or at least up-down (tapping all the circle to go to higher level of filter is not so comfortable).
This could be also done with some changes on K2 like it is.....AGC is not the function that i use so often...so it could be sub function but filter up down should be in first....also XIT is used rarely (at least by me).....CW RV should be also hidden in MENU because i dont think it's used regulary....
This are my oppinions and it's not a "must" to be also Yours...

Have nice DX's
K2 Nr3204
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