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Being an old, retired engineer, my first question would be "What needs
to be changed?"  Not counting the FM-only VHF/UHF stuff, all my radios
have vastly differing characteristics.  The FT-847 does a great job on
satellites, VHF/UHF (all modes), digital HF modes, and general
coverage.  It's a terrible HF contest radio.  My TS-850S and amp do
pretty well (well OK, make that 'not always last') in CW contests, my K2
is my primary QRP radio (a mode I'm finding more and more intriguing),
and the KX1 is just plain fun.

Radios already have way too many buttons, knobs, menu items, sub-menu
items, features (and foibles).  I can't think of much that I would want
that is not already available as an option to my K2.  Not sure I'd
welcome or need changes to the front panel configuration.  It seemes to
have the controls I need, a simple accessible menu system for those
functions that don't change much, and nothing else.  The "nothing else"
is highly welcome!

I think I'll just wait and be surprised.

Happy 2005 to All,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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