K2 CW speed

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K2 CW speed

One way to "send" cw wiht a keyboard and avoid the SSB issues is to
use the free CWType software from DXSoft. You make a keying circuit
with about 5 inexpensive Radio Shack parts and it will fit inside a
larger Serial port plug. So all you have is a cable with a serial
port plug on one end and a plug on the other to match your rig's  key
jack. As far as the rig is knows, you are sending using your paddle.
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RE: K2 CW speed

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Paul wrote:

One way to "send" cw wiht a keyboard and avoid the SSB issues is to
use the free CWType software from DXSoft. You make a keying circuit
with about 5 inexpensive Radio Shack parts and it will fit inside a
larger Serial port plug.

That is definitely the preferred way to key the K2 for computer-generated CW
to 50 wpm or so.

The comments about using an audio tone in SSB mode had to do with generating
High Speed CW (HSCW) such as used for meteor scatter and similar work. That
involves CW speeds of from about 100 up to 800 wpm or so.

The rise and fall times of the keying wave shaping circuits in the K2 make
it unsuitable for normal CW keying at such high speeds.


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